「まけないぞう」アメリカへ No.3 Trip to America No.3 Everybody adores the Elephants

2011年9月15日 木曜日

My dear American nieces loved Makenaizo so much, too !!
(まけないぞうと共に、Kiersten, Rachel, Ashely と Mami)
Ashley who was just a 5 month-old baby when I first saw her last time is now 25 years old! and already married!! Time surely has flown so fast!!!!  (Kiersten, Rachel, Ashely and Mami with Never give up elephants)

現在フロリダ在住のホストブラザーのMike一家(Vickie, Nicole, Hope, Jonathan) と Dad, そして オクラホマから来たDadの従妹のBethも日本からやって来た「まけないぞう」 に笑顔です。
My host brother, Mike and his family members (Vickie, Nicole, Hope and Jonathan) from Florida, Dad and his cousin Beth are all smiling and look so happy with the elephants from Japan!
「ぞうさん一頭では足りません!お友達にもぞうさんあげたいよ ! 」とMikeの次女のHopeちゃん。とっても可愛いでしょ!
Mike’s second daughter, Hope, a beautiful angel of whole family loves the elephants so much that she held 3 elephants together at one time !! Isn’t she adorable?!!!!!!!

ホストシスター Loriの夫のKyle も まけないぞうが大好き。早速まけないぞうを肩に載せてくれました。
Kyle who is Lori’s husband with Never give up elephant on his shoulder!!

Kyle と Lori の長男 Casey, そして 次女のSami も兄弟が増えて嬉しそう!!Caseyはこのホームページに自分たちと”まけないぞう”の写真が載ることについて、4人兄妹を代表して、「まけないぞうプロジェクトの活動に僕たちも加えてくれて有難う!この支援活動がうまくゆきますように。」とのメッセージを送ってくれ、とても感激しました!みんな、ありがとう!Casey and Sami, the children of Lori & Kyle look happy with their new elephant brother/sister!! Later on, Kyle on behalf of his sisters, Ashley, Rachel and Sami sent me the message saying, “Thanks for including us in your endeavor. Hope it goes well.” This message really made me feel so happy & blessed. Thank you, Casey, Ashley, Rachel and Sami for your thoughts & cooperation!

Dad is taking a nap during the party & Never give up elephant is also taking a nap right next to Dad because of the jet lag due to the long long flight from Tokyo to Maryland !!!

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