2013年3月11日に寄せて makenaizone… どんなに小さな愛でも沢山集まれば大きな愛に変えることが出来ます

2013年3月11日 月曜日

2年前のあの日、大きな地震とその直後に 東日本の太平洋沿岸部に繰り返し押し寄せた大津波により、かけがえのない尊い命を落とされた皆さま、大切なご家族ご友人を亡くされた多くの皆さまに改めまして心よりお悔やみを申し上げます。
そして 阪神淡路大震災の直後に生まれ、今年で18年の歴史を持つ神戸生まれの “仕事づくり、いきがい作りの『まけないぞう』”は、その後日本各地で起こった様々な自然災害の被災地各地にリレーされた後、2011年には東日本大震災後の被災地の各地にも広がり 今日も東北の数多くの作り手さんの笑顔と勇気の源となっております。
その様な時期だからこそ、18年の長きに渡って継続されてきた『まけないぞうプロジェクト』の支援の火をこれからも絶やさないように、私たち” makenaizone(負けないゾーン)”は、一人でも多くの被災地の作り手さん達の思いを引き続き 日本全国、世界各地に運んでいけるように、応援を続けて参ります。
【Makenaizo Message on March 11, 2013】
It’s been 2 years since East Japan Great Earthquake & Tsunami occurred in March, 2011, and Today is the 3rd 3.11 that we experience. Taking this opportunity, we’d like to send our deepest condolence to those who have lost their precious lives, and to those who lost their loved ones 2 years ago and all of the people who are still living in the difficult situation up until today. Makenaizo Elephants have been giving the courage & smile to the affected people ever since Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake occurred 18 years ago. Lots of unused towels have been donated from all over Japan, and those towels have been sorted by many volunteer staff members and sent to the affected areas, and are made into cute elephant-shaped hanging towel by the makers in disaster areas in Japan. Actually many affected people are still suffering so much from what they have lost, and many of them are now more depressed than before. One of the best ways for you to support the affected people and to show your determination that you’ll never forget about them is to kindly buy Makenaizo and to donate the towels that would be made into Makenaizo Towels! Your continued & sincere support & love to this wonderful project would be highly appreciated going forward! This is the wonderful action that we can do who live today which many victims could not live. Our prayers are always with the affected people in the devastated areas.

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