
2013年12月11日 水曜日

【12月11日 makenaizone 若林まみより。】
あの日、大きな地震と繰り返し押し寄せた大津波により、かけがえのない命を落とされた皆さま、大切なご家族ご友人を亡くされた多くの皆さま、そして 今も辛く癒されない心の痛みを沢山抱えながら、それでも一生懸命前を向いて生きていこうとなさっている被災地の皆さんのことをいつまでも忘れない!という気持ちを込めて心より祈ります。

It’s been 2 years and 9 months since East Japan Great Earthquake & Tsunami occurred, and the cold and severe winter has arrived is in the affected areas.
Taking this opportunity, I’d like to send my deepest condolence to those who have lost their precious lives, and to those who lost their loved ones and I’d like to pray for all of the people who are still living in the hard situation up until today. This day we live now is the day that so many victims also wanted to live.
So I’d like to think of what I can do and what I should do for the recovery progress of the affected people for the rest of my life, although it would be nothing but a tiny action and a small step forward.
My prayers and thoughts are always with the people in the affected areas in Northeastern Japan and all the other areas that were hit by the terrible natural disasters all over the world.

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