「まけないぞう」アメリカへ No.6 Trip to America No.6 More & more friends!!

2011年9月15日 木曜日

Ocean City、Luthervilleから、再び MomとDadのうちに戻ってきました。
After coming back from Ocean City & Lutherville to Mom & Dad’s condominium, I tried to introduce the elephants to the friends of Mom & Dad at the condominium.

まずは、同じフロアに住む Myrtle Anne & Charles ご夫妻に”まけないぞう”をご紹介。
First of all, I introduced Never give up elephants to Myrtle Anne & Charles. They were so worried about 3.11 earthquake in Japan, and Myrtle Anne kindly offered the donation to NGO Collaboraion Center as well, which made me so much impressed. It would be so nice if we, makenaizone members would be able to set up the system of shipping the elephants to overseas and the good system of donation type of thing from overseas as well as from the people in Japan sooner.

Lila, a very good friend of Mom & Dad, was so pleased to have Never give up elephant as a new member of her family to stay with her!! Never give up elephant looks so happy to be with Lila, and the elephant again brought the big smile to her, too!!

Ingridさん & Ronさん ご夫妻。

その後 この日本人の方からメールをいただきました。
「まけないぞうがとても気に入りました。これからずっとぞうさんを家族の一員として大切にします。まけないぞうプロジェクト 素晴らしいですね!日本から遠く離れたバージニア州で暮しながら、故郷日本の事を大変心配しています。被災された方々が心をこめて作られた”まけないぞう”と共に、遠くアメリカから復興を祈っています。」

Ingrid & Ron who has been to Japan before with her Japanese friend happily accepted Makenaizo as their new family member. They told that their Japanese friend in Virginia is so worried about what’s happening in Japan now, and that they wanted to introduce Makenaizo to her as well. Therefore I have sent one Makenaizo to Ingrid’s Japanese friend living in Virginia, and she wrote me back saying that she really liked Makenaizo (Never give up elephant) and she will cherish him as a special member of her family! She also told me that she was glad to know that I have been suporting “Never give up elephant Project”, and that she felt so close to me in praying for the recovery progress of the areas and the people that have been affected by the recent big earthquake in Japan.

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