東日本大震災から7年8ヶ月 実りの秋を再び迎えることなく天に召されたかたがたのご冥福を被災地支援のまけないぞうさんと共にお祈りします

2018年11月11日 日曜日

【Message from makenaizone】
2018年 11月11日
It has been 7 years & 8 months since 3.11 Tsunami & Earthquake occurred. We will never forget about the day when we realized the ordinary life is not ordinary one at all, but such a precious blessing we’ve given, and will keep on trying to do what we can do for the affected people. Our prayer with Never-give-up Elephant goes out to those who have lost their precious lives due to the Big Earthquake and Tsunami.

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